First, thanks and an apology to Corey Plover and his staggering word list for an assist on a puzzle I ultimately wound up needing to replace.

Most particular thanks, as always, to Lance Nathan for proofing, testing, and making countless perceptive and useful comments.

Verify puzzle solutions by clicking the "?" for a submission window. Please omit punctuation when checking answers.

When you have the overall solution, for a slot on the leader board. If a team, please include everyone's name and/or nom as desired.

Any FAQs or errata will appear here, so check back if something seems to be amiss.

After receiving a number of baffling 20-cent tips, I finally realized I should clarify: The Beggar is NOT A PUZZLE. It really is just me with my hat out :)

Response has suggested that the Rug Merchant is more stubborn than I thought. Accordingly, I've adjusted his text a bit. Successfully dealing with the Rug Merchant will allow you to cross the desert.

All puzzles can be printed out to solve. Image manipulation or similar processes are not part of any puzzle.

Solo and Team prizes having been claimed, hints for Round One have been posted. I'll post hints for Round Two and solutions when the LB fills up.

Update: Hints for Round Two have been posted.


Grave Robber: Clue 15N should read "Jerk back small protective cloths (5)"

Giant Snake: The word associated with "K" is a six-letter word.
The word associated with "B" is a five-letter word.
A message referring to answers should be applied to entire rows.
The penultimate row in the grid should read WRAFOW-ETHITO
Apologies for the errata on this puzzle.